In the News:
Added most recently:
- Jon Kawamoto, East Bay Times, “Tassajara Valley: Memorial park project stalls after key supporter dies,” August 2, 2018
- Mr. Sidney Corrie,Jr., the legal owner of the site of the proposed cemetery, passed away on April 26, 2018 (link to obituary),
Past articles (in chronological order):
1. Dolores Fox Ciardelli,, “A final resting place,” May 6, 2005 link
2. Wayne T. Price and Jeff Schweers, USA TODAY, "Market weak for selling cemetery plots," July 22, 2010 link
3. Jeb Bing, Pleasanton Weekly, "Pioneer Cemetery a disappointment," October 5, 2010 link
4. Roz Rogoff, San Ramon Express, "Tassajara Valley's population could grow by 100,000!," Nov 22, 2010 link (note: this link no longer works; we are working to fix it)
5. Roz Rogoff, San Ramon Express, "Peaceful cemetery or urban development?," May 5, 2011 link (note: this link no longer works; we are working to fix it)
6. Roz Rogoff, San Ramon Observer blogcast, interview of the former mayor of San Ramon, Abram Wilson, about the Tassajara Valley, April 18, 2012 link
Our transcription of the interview can be found here.
The comments on San Ramon Express about the interview can be found here.
7. Amelia Arvesen, San Ramon Express, “District 2 candidates talk politics, personal beliefs at supervisor debate,” May 1, 2012 link. (note: this link no longer works; we are working to fix it)
8. Ron McNicoll, The Independent, "Wilson Wants Cities to Back Tassajara Cemetery Plan," May 3, 2012 link
9. The Independent, "Group Wants to Build North Livermore Cemetery," June 29, 2012 link
10. Jessica Lipsky, San Ramon Express, "Residents protest potential columbarium at local church," July 24, 2012 link (note: this link no longer works; we are working to fix it)
11. Jason Sweeney, Contra Costa Times, "Neighbors fight columbarium," August 15, 2012 link
12. Jason Sweeney, Contra Costa Times, "Census Report: City sees population explosion; San Ramon's Asian population is growing fastest.", October 25, 2012
13. Washington Post story about funeral processions: "Respect for the dead wanes when funeral processions hit insane Washington traffic" Dec 4, 2012 link
14. Jason Sweeney, San Jose Mercury News, "Plan to Bury 150,000 Bodies in Tassajara Valley," February 20, 2013 link
15. Laura Anthony, ABC7 News, "Stiff opposition to East Bay cemetery," February 20, 2013 link (Note KGO Channel 7 video, February 20, 2013 link no longer works; we are working to fix it)
16. KPIX Channel 5 video, February 20, 2013 link (note: this link no longer works; we are working to fix it)
17. Chris Roberts and Terry McSweeney, NBC Bay Area, "Cemetery Sparks Development Fight Near Danville," February 21, 2013 link to article and video; link to video alone. Interviews with Michele Ulrech (neighbor), Sid Corrie (developer), Ron Brown (Save Mount Diablo).
18. Jason Sweeny, Contra Costa Times, "Tassajara Valley Cemetery Plan: Graveyard Rift," February 22, 2013 link
19. Additional pictures from the San Jose Mercury News associated with the Contra Costa TImes article of February 22, 2013 link
20. Tom Barnidge, Contra Costa Times, mentions former San Ramon mayor Abram Wilson's support of the proposed cemetery, February 28, 2013 link
21. Jessica Lipsky, San Ramon Express, "County focuses on water mitigation measures for Tassajara Valley cemetery," March 4, 2013 link (note: this link no longer works; we are working to fix it)
22. ABC Channel 7 20-20 video clip about living next to a cemetery in Brooklyn: "Live Next to Cemetery? Can't Beat the Quiet, Privacy, Price." March 8, 2013 link
23. Dublin City Council Meeting Public Comment, Dublin considering improvements to its Pioneer Cemetery, September 3, 2013 link
24. Jeb Bing,, "Pleasanton Council to consider improvements to Pioneer Cemetery at its meeting tonight," September 17, 2013 link
25. Jeb Bing,, "Improvements coming to city's Pioneer Cemetery," September 19, 2013 link
26. The Independent (serving Dublin, Livermore, Pleasanton, Sunol), "Committee to Oversee Cemetery Plan," September 19, 2013 link
27. Dublin City Council Staff Report, "Preparation of a Master Plan for the Dublin Pioneer Cemetery," October 1, 2013 link (note: this link no longer works; we are working to fix it)
28. Dublin City Council Meeting Agenda Item 7.1, October 1, 2013 link (note: this link no longer works; we are working to fix it)
29. Jeb Bing, Pleasanton Weekly, "Pleasanton's Pioneer Cemetery under review," November 22, 2013 link
30. Joyce Tsai, Inside News Bay Area, "Planned cemetery in Tassajara Valley stirs up intense opposition," December 5, 2013 link
31. Opinion, Pleasanton Weekly, "Improving Pioneer Cemetery," December 6, 2013 link
32. Joyce Tsai, Contra Costa Times, "Cemetery discussions to extend into 2014," December 6, 2013 link and continued here
33. Joyce Tsai, Contra Costa TImes, "Cemetery impact report approved," December 18, 2013 link
34 Jeb Bing, Pleasanton Weekly, "Pioneer Cemetery: For those who want to stay here," February 21, 2014 link
35. Jeremy Walsh,, May 12, 2014 “Dougherty Valley water supplier implements use restrictions” has several comments about the proposed Creekside Memorial Park cemetery following the article
36. Carlos Barria, Shanghai, in on May 15, 2014: "As attitudes change in China, people look to the sea for burial"
37. Joyce Tsai, Contra Costa Times, "Information session on Tassajara cemetery," June 18, 2014 link
38. San Ramon City Council Agenda for Study Session to be held June 24, 2014 link
39. Jeremy Walsh, Express, "San Ramon council to discuss Tassajara Valley cemetery," June 20, 2014 link
40. City of San Ramon, video of the June 24, 2014 “Presentation and Discussion of the proposed Creekside Memorial Park cemetery in the Tassajara Valley.” This is the official video of the entire meeting and lasts 116 minutes and 11 seconds.
41. Attendee's video of parts of the June 24, 2014 San Ramon "Presentation and Discussion." The video includes the overview presented by the San Ramon Planning Services Division Manger Debbie Chamberlain and the comments made by some of the meeting attendees; it does not include the concluding comments made by Mayor Bill Clarkson and Vice-Mayor Phil O'Loane: link
42. Cierra Bailey, Express on June 25, 2014: "San Ramon council holds forum on Tassajara Valley cemetery: Tri-Valley residents speak out against Creekside Memorial proposal" (the comments following the article are also worth reading)
43. Roz Rogoff's San Ramon Observer blog in the Express on June 25, 2014: "Cemetery Gripe Fest" in (and the comments following it)
44. Joyce Tsai, San Ramon Valley Times on June 26, 2014: "Tassajara Valley: Opponents blast cemetery plan" by Joyce Tsai; page 1 and page 2
45. Roz Rogoff's San Ramon Observer in on June 28, 2014 "Opinions" in (and the comments following it)
46. Angela Hill, Contra Costa Times, "The Final Resting Place: Save or Scatter? Many options for loved one’s ashes” July 6, 2014: page 1 and page 2
47.The Independent, "Short Notes" section, "Hike Offered," August 8, 2014 Link.
48. San Ramon City Council Meeting Public Comment, request to reverse 2005 resolution (Section 6 on the agenda, at time stamp 07:05; additional comments made at Section 13 on the agenda, at time stamp 26:00), August 12, 2014, Link
49. Joyce Tsai, Contra Costa TImes, "Tassajara Valley: Hike planned to protest proposed cemetery,” August 14, 2014 Online link or pdf
50. Joyce Tsai, San Ramon Valley Times,"Our Communities in Brief" section, "San Ramon: Hike Saturday to tour proposed cemetery," August 14, 2014 First half of notice, second half of notice
51. KPIX Channel 5, Allen Martin, “Battle over planned cemetery near San Ramon coming to a head,” August 15, 2014. Link
52. NBC, Bay Area Staff, “Proposed San Ramon cemetery prompts concerns,” August 16, 2014. Link
53. Cierra Bailey, Express, “San Ramon residents organize protest against Creekside Memorial Cemetery,” August 18, 2014.
54. Joyce Tsai,, “San Ramon: Tassajara cemetery opponents ask City Council to reverse ’05 resolution,” August 19, 2014.
55. Cierra Bailey,, “San Ramon residents organize protest against Creekside Memorial Cemetery” August 22, 2014 [note the article is the same as appeared in the Express on August 18, but the reader comments following the article are different.
56. Tim Hunt's blog "Tim Talk" in, August 28, 2014, “New heights for NIMBYs”
57. Carolyn Jones, San Francisco Chronicle's website, September 2, 2014, “Cemetery plan raises lively debate in San Ramon”
58. Roz Rogoff's blog "San Ramon Observer" in, September 6, 2014, “From Cemetery to Supervisor?”
59. Roz Rogoff's blog "San Ramon Observer" in, September 8, 2014, "Answering questions from my last blog on the cemetery"
60. Update on proposed plan to improve Pleasanton Pioneer Cemetery in Independent, September 5, 2014, “Pleasanton: Residents Invited to Review Cemetery Plan”
61. Contra Costa Times, "Lens on the Bay," September 20, 2014, photo with the caption "Consecration for Cemetery"
62. Jeremy Thomas, Contra Costa Times (Valley Journal), October 2, 2014, "Ground broken on Jewish site," page 1 and page 2.
63. Jeremy Thomas,, October 2, 2014, "Livermore: Alameda County ‘s first new Jewish cemetery in over a century consecrated" (although the title is different, the text of this article appears to be the same as the article in the Contra Costa Times (Valley Journal) posted on October 2) (note: this link no longer works; we are working to fix it)
64. Jeb Bing,, October 6, 2014, "Pleasanton commission set to approve plan for city's Pioneer Cemetery"
65. Dan Pine,, October 16, 2014, “Land for new Jewish cemetery consecrated in Livermore”
66. Jeb Bing,, October 17, 2014,“Making Pioneer a livelier place”
67. The Independent, "Alameda County Orders Work to Stop on Proposed [Monte Vista Memorial Gardens] Cemetery", November 14, 2014
68. Jeb Bing,,“$4.5-million [Pleasanton Pioneer] cemetery improvement plan goes to City Council tomorrow night”, November 17, 2014
69. Jeb Bing,, “Council gives go-ahead to upgrade, expand Pleasanton Pioneer Cemetery”, November 19, 2014
70. “Pioneer Cemetery Plan OKed”, November 28, 2014
71. Cierra Bailey,, “Tassajara Valley Cemetery returns to San Ramon council”, December 8, 2014
72. Carol Pogash, New York Times, “Cemetery Plan Clashes With Neighbors’ Culture”, December 8, 2014
73. Carol Pogash, includes the NY Times article (with online comments): “ Cemetery Plan Clashes With Neighbors’ Culture”, December 8, 2014
74. Cierra Bailey, "San Ramon council withdraws support for Tassajara Valley cemetery," December 10, 2014
75. Joyce Tsai, Contra Costa Times “Cemetery plan opposed”, December 11, 2014 (note: this link no longer works; we are working to fix it)
76. Jeremy Walsh,, “San Ramon Valley Year in Review: Part I” (entry for June 25, 2014) January 1, 2015
77. Jeremy Walsh,, San Ramon Valley Year in Review: Part II" (entries for August 18 and December 10, 2014), January 4, 2015
78. Tammerlin Drummond,, “[Oakland Mountain View] Cemetery’s unexpected gifts,” March 26, 2015Tammerlin Drummond,
79. Denis Cuff,, “Drought drying out wells in rural neighborhood east of Danville,” April 3, 2015
80. San Jose Mercury News Media Center, “Photos: Eastern Tassajara residents worry about dry wells, steep water prices,” April 3, 2015
81. abc7news, “Tassajara Valley running out of water options,” April 5, 2015
82. Daniel Potter, "California Cemeteries Adapt to Water Restrictions to Avoid Going Dry,” April 27, 2015
83. Sarah de Crescenzo, The Orange County Register, “Cemetery culture clash in Irvine: Asian neighbors say graves would create bad feng shui, hurt property values”, June 5, 2015
84. Contra Costa Times: "Veterans cemetery opposed", June 8, 2015.
85. Trulia’s Blog, Real Estate 101, “Trulia’s House of Horrors: The House-Hunting Fears of Men vs. Women”, October 13, 2015.
86. Kathryn Vasel, CNN Money, Real Estate Special Report, “Death can really kill your home value”, February 10, 2016.
87. The Independent, "Pleasanton to Move Forward with Pioneer Cemetery Plans.", June 9, 2016
88. Jeb Bing, Pleasanton Weekly, "Council gives go-ahead for Veterans Memorial at Pioneer Cemetery" , June 17, 2016
89. Jeb Bing, Pleasanton Weekly, "Groundbreaking ceremony set Monday for Veterans Memorial at Pioneer Cemetery", June 24, 2016
90. Jeb Bing,, "Groundbreaking ceremony at 1 p.m. today for Veterans Memorial at Pioneer Cemetery" June 27, 2016
91. Jeb Bing,, "City, veterans organizations leaders join in groundbreaking for new Pioneer Cemetery memorial" June 28, 2016
92. The Independent, "Ceremony Marks Start of Construction of Memorial" and Photos; June 30, 2016
93. Jeb Bing,, "City, veteran leaders join in memorial groundbreaking" July 1, 2016
94. Jeb Bing,, "Honoring our vets" July 15, 2016
95. Jeb Bing,, "Memorial dedication set for Veterans Day weekend at Pioneer Cemetery" July 15, 2016
96. Jeb Bing,, "Donations helping veterans groups fund Pioneer Cemetery memorial" July 18, 2016
97. Yahoo Finance,“More Americans Are Now Cremating Their Dead Than Burying Them”, July 20, 2016
98. Jeb Bing,, "Veterans Memorial dedication ceremonies tomorrow at Pioneer Cemetery” November 11, 2016
99. Jeb Bing,, "Veterans Memorial dedicated at Pioneer Cemetery in festive ceremony” November 15, 2016
100. Sam Richards,, “Tassajara Valley: Big cemetery proposal not dead yet”, April 10, 2017
101. Sam Richards, East Bay Times, "Cemetery Plan Not Dead Yet", p. 1 and p. 2, April 11, 2017
102. Antonia Blumberg,, “Americans Are Opting For Cremation Over Burial At The Highest Rate Ever”, July 28, 2017
103. Jonathan Lansner, East Bay Times, "Cremation Becoming American Way, With West Still Leading", August 7, 2017
104. Laura Casey, East Bay Times, “(Oakland Mountain View) Cemetery’s expansion plan goes before panel”, November 12, 2017
105. Jeremy Walsh, Pleasanton Weekly, “Work ongoing to add parking, storage at Pioneer Cemetery (Pleasanton)”, January 16, 2018
106. Jennifer Billock,, “From Yoga to Movie Nights: How Cemeteries Are Trying to Attract the Living”, March 22, 2018
1. Dolores Fox Ciardelli,, “A final resting place,” May 6, 2005 link
2. Wayne T. Price and Jeff Schweers, USA TODAY, "Market weak for selling cemetery plots," July 22, 2010 link
3. Jeb Bing, Pleasanton Weekly, "Pioneer Cemetery a disappointment," October 5, 2010 link
4. Roz Rogoff, San Ramon Express, "Tassajara Valley's population could grow by 100,000!," Nov 22, 2010 link (note: this link no longer works; we are working to fix it)
5. Roz Rogoff, San Ramon Express, "Peaceful cemetery or urban development?," May 5, 2011 link (note: this link no longer works; we are working to fix it)
6. Roz Rogoff, San Ramon Observer blogcast, interview of the former mayor of San Ramon, Abram Wilson, about the Tassajara Valley, April 18, 2012 link
Our transcription of the interview can be found here.
The comments on San Ramon Express about the interview can be found here.
7. Amelia Arvesen, San Ramon Express, “District 2 candidates talk politics, personal beliefs at supervisor debate,” May 1, 2012 link. (note: this link no longer works; we are working to fix it)
8. Ron McNicoll, The Independent, "Wilson Wants Cities to Back Tassajara Cemetery Plan," May 3, 2012 link
9. The Independent, "Group Wants to Build North Livermore Cemetery," June 29, 2012 link
10. Jessica Lipsky, San Ramon Express, "Residents protest potential columbarium at local church," July 24, 2012 link (note: this link no longer works; we are working to fix it)
11. Jason Sweeney, Contra Costa Times, "Neighbors fight columbarium," August 15, 2012 link
12. Jason Sweeney, Contra Costa Times, "Census Report: City sees population explosion; San Ramon's Asian population is growing fastest.", October 25, 2012
13. Washington Post story about funeral processions: "Respect for the dead wanes when funeral processions hit insane Washington traffic" Dec 4, 2012 link
14. Jason Sweeney, San Jose Mercury News, "Plan to Bury 150,000 Bodies in Tassajara Valley," February 20, 2013 link
15. Laura Anthony, ABC7 News, "Stiff opposition to East Bay cemetery," February 20, 2013 link (Note KGO Channel 7 video, February 20, 2013 link no longer works; we are working to fix it)
16. KPIX Channel 5 video, February 20, 2013 link (note: this link no longer works; we are working to fix it)
17. Chris Roberts and Terry McSweeney, NBC Bay Area, "Cemetery Sparks Development Fight Near Danville," February 21, 2013 link to article and video; link to video alone. Interviews with Michele Ulrech (neighbor), Sid Corrie (developer), Ron Brown (Save Mount Diablo).
18. Jason Sweeny, Contra Costa Times, "Tassajara Valley Cemetery Plan: Graveyard Rift," February 22, 2013 link
19. Additional pictures from the San Jose Mercury News associated with the Contra Costa TImes article of February 22, 2013 link
20. Tom Barnidge, Contra Costa Times, mentions former San Ramon mayor Abram Wilson's support of the proposed cemetery, February 28, 2013 link
21. Jessica Lipsky, San Ramon Express, "County focuses on water mitigation measures for Tassajara Valley cemetery," March 4, 2013 link (note: this link no longer works; we are working to fix it)
22. ABC Channel 7 20-20 video clip about living next to a cemetery in Brooklyn: "Live Next to Cemetery? Can't Beat the Quiet, Privacy, Price." March 8, 2013 link
23. Dublin City Council Meeting Public Comment, Dublin considering improvements to its Pioneer Cemetery, September 3, 2013 link
24. Jeb Bing,, "Pleasanton Council to consider improvements to Pioneer Cemetery at its meeting tonight," September 17, 2013 link
25. Jeb Bing,, "Improvements coming to city's Pioneer Cemetery," September 19, 2013 link
26. The Independent (serving Dublin, Livermore, Pleasanton, Sunol), "Committee to Oversee Cemetery Plan," September 19, 2013 link
27. Dublin City Council Staff Report, "Preparation of a Master Plan for the Dublin Pioneer Cemetery," October 1, 2013 link (note: this link no longer works; we are working to fix it)
28. Dublin City Council Meeting Agenda Item 7.1, October 1, 2013 link (note: this link no longer works; we are working to fix it)
29. Jeb Bing, Pleasanton Weekly, "Pleasanton's Pioneer Cemetery under review," November 22, 2013 link
30. Joyce Tsai, Inside News Bay Area, "Planned cemetery in Tassajara Valley stirs up intense opposition," December 5, 2013 link
31. Opinion, Pleasanton Weekly, "Improving Pioneer Cemetery," December 6, 2013 link
32. Joyce Tsai, Contra Costa Times, "Cemetery discussions to extend into 2014," December 6, 2013 link and continued here
33. Joyce Tsai, Contra Costa TImes, "Cemetery impact report approved," December 18, 2013 link
34 Jeb Bing, Pleasanton Weekly, "Pioneer Cemetery: For those who want to stay here," February 21, 2014 link
35. Jeremy Walsh,, May 12, 2014 “Dougherty Valley water supplier implements use restrictions” has several comments about the proposed Creekside Memorial Park cemetery following the article
36. Carlos Barria, Shanghai, in on May 15, 2014: "As attitudes change in China, people look to the sea for burial"
37. Joyce Tsai, Contra Costa Times, "Information session on Tassajara cemetery," June 18, 2014 link
38. San Ramon City Council Agenda for Study Session to be held June 24, 2014 link
39. Jeremy Walsh, Express, "San Ramon council to discuss Tassajara Valley cemetery," June 20, 2014 link
40. City of San Ramon, video of the June 24, 2014 “Presentation and Discussion of the proposed Creekside Memorial Park cemetery in the Tassajara Valley.” This is the official video of the entire meeting and lasts 116 minutes and 11 seconds.
41. Attendee's video of parts of the June 24, 2014 San Ramon "Presentation and Discussion." The video includes the overview presented by the San Ramon Planning Services Division Manger Debbie Chamberlain and the comments made by some of the meeting attendees; it does not include the concluding comments made by Mayor Bill Clarkson and Vice-Mayor Phil O'Loane: link
42. Cierra Bailey, Express on June 25, 2014: "San Ramon council holds forum on Tassajara Valley cemetery: Tri-Valley residents speak out against Creekside Memorial proposal" (the comments following the article are also worth reading)
43. Roz Rogoff's San Ramon Observer blog in the Express on June 25, 2014: "Cemetery Gripe Fest" in (and the comments following it)
44. Joyce Tsai, San Ramon Valley Times on June 26, 2014: "Tassajara Valley: Opponents blast cemetery plan" by Joyce Tsai; page 1 and page 2
45. Roz Rogoff's San Ramon Observer in on June 28, 2014 "Opinions" in (and the comments following it)
46. Angela Hill, Contra Costa Times, "The Final Resting Place: Save or Scatter? Many options for loved one’s ashes” July 6, 2014: page 1 and page 2
47.The Independent, "Short Notes" section, "Hike Offered," August 8, 2014 Link.
48. San Ramon City Council Meeting Public Comment, request to reverse 2005 resolution (Section 6 on the agenda, at time stamp 07:05; additional comments made at Section 13 on the agenda, at time stamp 26:00), August 12, 2014, Link
49. Joyce Tsai, Contra Costa TImes, "Tassajara Valley: Hike planned to protest proposed cemetery,” August 14, 2014 Online link or pdf
50. Joyce Tsai, San Ramon Valley Times,"Our Communities in Brief" section, "San Ramon: Hike Saturday to tour proposed cemetery," August 14, 2014 First half of notice, second half of notice
51. KPIX Channel 5, Allen Martin, “Battle over planned cemetery near San Ramon coming to a head,” August 15, 2014. Link
52. NBC, Bay Area Staff, “Proposed San Ramon cemetery prompts concerns,” August 16, 2014. Link
53. Cierra Bailey, Express, “San Ramon residents organize protest against Creekside Memorial Cemetery,” August 18, 2014.
54. Joyce Tsai,, “San Ramon: Tassajara cemetery opponents ask City Council to reverse ’05 resolution,” August 19, 2014.
55. Cierra Bailey,, “San Ramon residents organize protest against Creekside Memorial Cemetery” August 22, 2014 [note the article is the same as appeared in the Express on August 18, but the reader comments following the article are different.
56. Tim Hunt's blog "Tim Talk" in, August 28, 2014, “New heights for NIMBYs”
57. Carolyn Jones, San Francisco Chronicle's website, September 2, 2014, “Cemetery plan raises lively debate in San Ramon”
58. Roz Rogoff's blog "San Ramon Observer" in, September 6, 2014, “From Cemetery to Supervisor?”
59. Roz Rogoff's blog "San Ramon Observer" in, September 8, 2014, "Answering questions from my last blog on the cemetery"
60. Update on proposed plan to improve Pleasanton Pioneer Cemetery in Independent, September 5, 2014, “Pleasanton: Residents Invited to Review Cemetery Plan”
61. Contra Costa Times, "Lens on the Bay," September 20, 2014, photo with the caption "Consecration for Cemetery"
62. Jeremy Thomas, Contra Costa Times (Valley Journal), October 2, 2014, "Ground broken on Jewish site," page 1 and page 2.
63. Jeremy Thomas,, October 2, 2014, "Livermore: Alameda County ‘s first new Jewish cemetery in over a century consecrated" (although the title is different, the text of this article appears to be the same as the article in the Contra Costa Times (Valley Journal) posted on October 2) (note: this link no longer works; we are working to fix it)
64. Jeb Bing,, October 6, 2014, "Pleasanton commission set to approve plan for city's Pioneer Cemetery"
65. Dan Pine,, October 16, 2014, “Land for new Jewish cemetery consecrated in Livermore”
66. Jeb Bing,, October 17, 2014,“Making Pioneer a livelier place”
67. The Independent, "Alameda County Orders Work to Stop on Proposed [Monte Vista Memorial Gardens] Cemetery", November 14, 2014
68. Jeb Bing,,“$4.5-million [Pleasanton Pioneer] cemetery improvement plan goes to City Council tomorrow night”, November 17, 2014
69. Jeb Bing,, “Council gives go-ahead to upgrade, expand Pleasanton Pioneer Cemetery”, November 19, 2014
70. “Pioneer Cemetery Plan OKed”, November 28, 2014
71. Cierra Bailey,, “Tassajara Valley Cemetery returns to San Ramon council”, December 8, 2014
72. Carol Pogash, New York Times, “Cemetery Plan Clashes With Neighbors’ Culture”, December 8, 2014
73. Carol Pogash, includes the NY Times article (with online comments): “ Cemetery Plan Clashes With Neighbors’ Culture”, December 8, 2014
74. Cierra Bailey, "San Ramon council withdraws support for Tassajara Valley cemetery," December 10, 2014
75. Joyce Tsai, Contra Costa Times “Cemetery plan opposed”, December 11, 2014 (note: this link no longer works; we are working to fix it)
76. Jeremy Walsh,, “San Ramon Valley Year in Review: Part I” (entry for June 25, 2014) January 1, 2015
77. Jeremy Walsh,, San Ramon Valley Year in Review: Part II" (entries for August 18 and December 10, 2014), January 4, 2015
78. Tammerlin Drummond,, “[Oakland Mountain View] Cemetery’s unexpected gifts,” March 26, 2015Tammerlin Drummond,
79. Denis Cuff,, “Drought drying out wells in rural neighborhood east of Danville,” April 3, 2015
80. San Jose Mercury News Media Center, “Photos: Eastern Tassajara residents worry about dry wells, steep water prices,” April 3, 2015
81. abc7news, “Tassajara Valley running out of water options,” April 5, 2015
82. Daniel Potter, "California Cemeteries Adapt to Water Restrictions to Avoid Going Dry,” April 27, 2015
83. Sarah de Crescenzo, The Orange County Register, “Cemetery culture clash in Irvine: Asian neighbors say graves would create bad feng shui, hurt property values”, June 5, 2015
84. Contra Costa Times: "Veterans cemetery opposed", June 8, 2015.
85. Trulia’s Blog, Real Estate 101, “Trulia’s House of Horrors: The House-Hunting Fears of Men vs. Women”, October 13, 2015.
86. Kathryn Vasel, CNN Money, Real Estate Special Report, “Death can really kill your home value”, February 10, 2016.
87. The Independent, "Pleasanton to Move Forward with Pioneer Cemetery Plans.", June 9, 2016
88. Jeb Bing, Pleasanton Weekly, "Council gives go-ahead for Veterans Memorial at Pioneer Cemetery" , June 17, 2016
89. Jeb Bing, Pleasanton Weekly, "Groundbreaking ceremony set Monday for Veterans Memorial at Pioneer Cemetery", June 24, 2016
90. Jeb Bing,, "Groundbreaking ceremony at 1 p.m. today for Veterans Memorial at Pioneer Cemetery" June 27, 2016
91. Jeb Bing,, "City, veterans organizations leaders join in groundbreaking for new Pioneer Cemetery memorial" June 28, 2016
92. The Independent, "Ceremony Marks Start of Construction of Memorial" and Photos; June 30, 2016
93. Jeb Bing,, "City, veteran leaders join in memorial groundbreaking" July 1, 2016
94. Jeb Bing,, "Honoring our vets" July 15, 2016
95. Jeb Bing,, "Memorial dedication set for Veterans Day weekend at Pioneer Cemetery" July 15, 2016
96. Jeb Bing,, "Donations helping veterans groups fund Pioneer Cemetery memorial" July 18, 2016
97. Yahoo Finance,“More Americans Are Now Cremating Their Dead Than Burying Them”, July 20, 2016
98. Jeb Bing,, "Veterans Memorial dedication ceremonies tomorrow at Pioneer Cemetery” November 11, 2016
99. Jeb Bing,, "Veterans Memorial dedicated at Pioneer Cemetery in festive ceremony” November 15, 2016
100. Sam Richards,, “Tassajara Valley: Big cemetery proposal not dead yet”, April 10, 2017
101. Sam Richards, East Bay Times, "Cemetery Plan Not Dead Yet", p. 1 and p. 2, April 11, 2017
102. Antonia Blumberg,, “Americans Are Opting For Cremation Over Burial At The Highest Rate Ever”, July 28, 2017
103. Jonathan Lansner, East Bay Times, "Cremation Becoming American Way, With West Still Leading", August 7, 2017
104. Laura Casey, East Bay Times, “(Oakland Mountain View) Cemetery’s expansion plan goes before panel”, November 12, 2017
105. Jeremy Walsh, Pleasanton Weekly, “Work ongoing to add parking, storage at Pioneer Cemetery (Pleasanton)”, January 16, 2018
106. Jennifer Billock,, “From Yoga to Movie Nights: How Cemeteries Are Trying to Attract the Living”, March 22, 2018