Information on the Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR):
- The Final EIR is in digital form on the Contra County website and can be accessed here. (It is a big file--35 MB--so it may take a while to load).
- On Monday, December 16, 2013 [postponed from December 2], at 3:30 p.m., the County Zoning Administrator held “a closed hearing to consider the adequacy of the Final Environmental Impact Report (Final EIR) for a Land Use Permit prepared for the proposed Creekside Memorial Park Cemetery" (Agenda , Staff Report ). At this meeting, the Zoning Administrator, Catherine Kutsuris, accepted the Final EIR as complete and adequate after modifications (Annotated Agenda, Modifications).
- Additional information for the Final Environmental Report (errata) was published on December 5, 2013 and is also available on the County website.
- According to the County Planner, Telma Moreira, as of January 7, 2014, the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) "will be finalized shortly and will be part of the County Planning Commission staff report." The MMRP is described in the Final EIR on page 1-3 as "a complete list of mitigation measures applicable to this Enhanced Modified Plan Alternative." A link will be provided here as soon as the document is available.
- The date of the public hearing before the Contra Costa County Planning Commission has not been set, according to the County Planner, Telma Moreira. On February 30, 2018, she advised that "any hearing(s) is pretty much several months away and not before the end of the year." On March 25, 2021 she confirmed that no date has been set.
- For additional information on the EIR and the proposed project, contact Telma B. Moreira, Principal Planner, phone (925) 674-7783, fax (925) 674-7258, Department of Conservation and Development, Community Development Division, 30 Muir Road, Martinez, CA 94553, email [email protected].
Background on the Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR):
- On August 14, 2012, the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors approved a contract amendment with Sponamore Associates to extend the term of their contract from August 14, 2012 to December 31, 2013 (although one part of the summary says the extension is through August 14, 2013, the actual contract states December 31, 2013), and increase the payment limit by $136,322 to a new total payment not to exceed $400,422. This contract is to complete the Environmental Impact Report (EIR).
- On November 5, 2012, the County Planner, in an email to the applicant, noted that the County expects the project to go before the County Planning Commission in February 2013.
- On January 10, 2013, the County Planner noted that "I do not have an expected Planning Commission date at this time. Check back with me the first week in February." This may mean that the date of this hearing will be delayed beyond the expected date of February 2013.
- On February 21, 2013, the County Planner, Demian Hardman, advised that the final EIR will likely be completed in mid March. About 3-4 weeks after that, it would appear before the County Planning Commission.
- On March 7, 2013, the Couny Planner, Demian Hardman, advised that the final EIR will be completed by the end of March, and that it will likely appear before the County Plannng Commission in May (no date set yet).
- On March 20, 2013, the County Planner, Demian Hardman, advised that the final EIR will be completed by mid-April, and that it will likely appear before the County Plannng Commission in June (no date set yet).
- On April 19, 2013, the County Planner, Demian Hardman, advised that the final EIR will be completed soon, but he does not have a firm date.
- On April 25, 2013, the County Planner, Demian Hardman, advised that he is still working on the Final Environmental Impact Report, noting in an email that “It’s taking a little longer than expected. However, we are wrapping things up. I’m not sure when it will be completed, but hopefully sometime next week.”
- On May 3, 2013, the County Planner, Demian Hardman, advised in an email that he is still working on the Final Environmental Impact Report and that "The document is still going through its final internal review/edits, and will be available soon."
- On May 13, May 28, June 13, July 9, July 29, August 15, August 23, August 29, September 12, September 19, and September 27, 2013, the County Planner, Demian Hardman, advised that the Final Environmental Impact Report is still being reviewed internally, with no date set yet for its publication.
- On October 11, 2013, the County Planner, Telma Moreira (who became the planner on this project on September 30, 2013), advised that the Final EIR will likely be available in two weeks, with meetings before the Zoning Administrator and the Planning Commission to follow. She advised in an email on October 11, 2013 that "We have provided our comments to the Final EIR and our consultant will be working in the next two weeks to produce copies of the document. This will include response to all the comments. Once the final document is available I will definitely provide you a copy of it. Before we go to the Planning Commission, we anticipate taking the Final EIR before the Zoning Administrator for recommendation of the document. This ZA meeting will be open to the public, even though it is a closed hearing (no testimony will be taken). I do have a letter from you stating that you like to know of "any" meeting, so I will let you know when it is scheduled before the Zoning Administrator as well. No dates yet; however, I anticipate it for early November."
- On October 24, 2013, the County Planner, Telma Moreira, advised that there was no new information about when the Final EIR would be available, so it appears that early November is still the anticipated publication date.
- On October 31, November 7, and November 14, 2013, the County Planner, Telma Moreira, advised that she would let us know when the Final EIR is available.
- On November 18, 2013, the Final Environmental Impact Report was issued.
Comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR):
Comments submitted by Bill and Holly Newman, 10/28/11
Comment Letter
Appendix I
Appendix II - The following attachments documenting issues with the consultants’ reports used in the DEIR were included in Appendix II:
Newman 8/19/2008
Newman 8/10/2009
Newman 4/5/2010
Newman 4/30/2010
Newman 8/24/2010
Comment Letter
Appendix I
Appendix II - The following attachments documenting issues with the consultants’ reports used in the DEIR were included in Appendix II:
Newman 8/19/2008
Newman 8/10/2009
Newman 4/5/2010
Newman 4/30/2010
Newman 8/24/2010
Comments submitted by Christopher Sproul of Environmental Advocates, 10/27/11
Comment Letter
Attachment 1
Attachment 2
Comment Letter
Attachment 1
Attachment 2
Comments submitted by California Department of Fish and Game, 10/26/11
Comments submitted by California Native Plant Society, East Bay Chapter, 11/16/11
Comments submitted by City of San Ramon, 10/25/11
Comments submitted by East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD), 9/29/11
Comments submitted by East Bay Regional Regional Park District, 10/27/11
Comments submitted by DeAnne Garrehy, Diablo K9 Academy, 5990 Camino Tassajara, 10/24/11
Comments submitted by Greenbelt Alliance, 10/28/11
Comments submitted by LAFCO/Contra Costa County, 10/27/11
Comments submitted by P/A Design Resources, 10/28/11
Comments submitted by Save Mount Diablo, 10/28/11
Comments submitted by United States Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, 10/20/11
Comments submitted by Susan Wood, 10/22/11
Comments submitted by California Native Plant Society, East Bay Chapter, 11/16/11
Comments submitted by City of San Ramon, 10/25/11
Comments submitted by East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD), 9/29/11
Comments submitted by East Bay Regional Regional Park District, 10/27/11
Comments submitted by DeAnne Garrehy, Diablo K9 Academy, 5990 Camino Tassajara, 10/24/11
Comments submitted by Greenbelt Alliance, 10/28/11
Comments submitted by LAFCO/Contra Costa County, 10/27/11
Comments submitted by P/A Design Resources, 10/28/11
Comments submitted by Save Mount Diablo, 10/28/11
Comments submitted by United States Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, 10/20/11
Comments submitted by Susan Wood, 10/22/11
Information on the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR):
- The full DEIR is in digital form and can be found here
- A copy of the "Notice of Completion and Availability, Notice of Public Hearing for Creekside Memorial Park Cemetery Draft Environmental Impact Report, State Clearinghouse Number 2007012069, County File No. LP052096" dated September 13, 2011 can be found here
- A copy of the "Notice of a Public Hearing" can be found here
- Written comments on the adequacy of the DEIR were submitted by 5:00 PM Friday, October 28, 2011 to Demian Hardman, Contra Costa County Department of Conservation and Development, 651 Pine Street, 4th floor - North wing, Martinez, CA 94553.
- A public hearing to provide additional opportunity for public comment on the DEIR was held held by the County Zoning Administrator on Monday, October 17, 2011, at 3:30 PM in Room 107 of the McBrien Administration Building, 651 Pine Street, Martinez, California
- For additional information on the DEIR and the proposed project, contact Telma B. Moreira, Principal Planner, phone (925) 674-7783, fax (925) 674-7258, Department of Conservation and Development, Community Development Division, 30 Muir Road, Martinez, CA 94553, email [email protected].